The execution reconciliation forms dose not produce the new creditor's rights debt relations, but is the original duty's continuing. 执行和解并未形成新的债权债务关系,而是对原权利义务关系的延续。
In general guaranty, the creditor must accomplish the previous procedure at first, which includes the litigation or arbitration against the debtor and the forcible execution of the debtor's wealth that cannot fulfill the creditor's rights. 一般保证中,债权人还要先就债务人起诉或申请仲裁,并就债务人的财产强制执行仍不能满足债权。
The fourth part deals with the measures of execution and the protection of creditor rights and discusses the possibility of the restriction of the consumption and action of debtors and civil execution measures of credit supervision and punishment system, and so on, and advances relevant ideas. 第四部分为民事执行措施与债权实现保障,对债务人消费限制、债务人行为自由制约可行性、信用监督和失信惩戒制度等民事执行措施进行了探讨,并提出了相关构想。
The first part deals with civil execution and the achievement of civil rights and makes analysis on the basis of civil execution, the relation between civil execution and the achievement of civil rights, and the meaning of civil execution on the achievement of creditor rights; 第一部分为民事执行与民事权利实现,从阐述民事执行根据、民事执行与民事权利实现关系、民事执行对债权实现的意义进行了分析;
Basis of enforcement is the prerequisite and basis for execution authority to take measures by force on debtors according to execution procedures at the creditor's request. 执行名义是债权人提出请求、执行机关进行执行程序对债务人采取强制执行措施的前提和依据,在整个执行制度中占有十分重要的地位。
The implementing agency only then correctly distinguishes and the confirmation object of civil execution, can fair, the effective implementation carry out the measure, the realization becomes effective creditor's right which the legal document determined. 执行机构只有正确识别与确认民事强制执行标的,才能公正、有效的实施执行措施,实现生效法律文书所确定的债权人的权利,维护民事强制执行制度的严肃性和权威性。